
525 Avenue Alexis de Rochon
29280 Plouzané, France
Phone : 33 (0) 982 282 123
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    Quiet-Oceans joins the CLS Group

    We are pleased to announce that Quiet-Oceans has joined the CLS Group, a global leader in environmental monitoring and resource management. This partnership marks an important milestone in our shared commitment to protecting marine ecosystems and minimizing the impact of human activities on the oceans.

    By becoming part of the CLS Group, we combine our expertise to deliver even more innovative and comprehensive solutions for underwater noise prediction, monitoring, and mitigation. We now benefit from CLS’s 40 years of experience in wildlife and biodiversity protection, as well as its extensive international network. Together, we are stronger in tackling today’s environmental challenges with efficiency and responsibility. To learn more: Read the full announcement

    Visit CLS’s website

    Thank you for your trust. Feel free to contact us with any questions.

    The Quiet-Oceans Team

    Coastal Ocean Noise Service in support to the impact assessment of Offshore Windfarms in the Mediterranean Sea

    Towards the accurate assessment of the underwater noise impact of floating wind farms
    How to represent the invisible marine pollution that is underwater noise, a major threat to marine species? Underwater noise mapping is the solution that Quiet-Oceans have developed and brought to the highest standard in the World by connecting Shom’s HYCOM3D ​coastal oceanographic model with Quiet-Oceans’ Quonops noise ​mapping platform.
    To offer the highest quality of underwater noise modelling in coastal areas, Quiet-Oceans and Shom are joining forces in the Coastal Ocean Noise Service project with the support of Copernicus Marine Service.
    This project is based on the integration of the HYCOM3D oceanographic model output provided by Shom into the noise modelling platform Quonops© operated by Quiet-Oceans. The Mediterranean HYCOM3D regional configuration describe physical processes that take place in coastal zones (e.g. as tidal fronts, fluvial plume, tides and internal waves, upwellings and mixed layer dynamics, etc.), notably by considering the tide and river inputs. This configuration allows to model with high resolution the currents, temperature and salinity distributions. This configuration provides hourly temporal frequency and a high spatial resolution up to 1.8 km.
    Coastal marine habitats will therefore be better protected from underwater noise pollution
    This Use Case is funded by the Copernicus Marine Service User Engagement Programme 2022-2028.

    Quiet-Oceans’ team is proud to be involved in the Life – Sea Detect project to actively reduce ship strikes. Quiet-Oceans is leading the demonstration of an anti-collision infrastructure based on passive underwater acoustic sensors. The system will directly inform in real-time the vessel captains about the presence of Fin and Sperm whales ahead of them so that they can take appropriate actions to avoid collision. The demonstration is scheduled in summer 2024 and 2023 along the busiest shipping routes in the Pelagos Agreement area in the Mediterranean. Among the numerous partners of the project, the contributors in this ambitious tasks are Bureau Veritas | Marine & Offshore and Tethys Research Institute.


    Arctivities LOGOArctivities is an innovative operational service allowing to display indicators in the Artic marine activities.

    Arctivities is an operational service developed in partnership with Noveltis to characterize the risk indicators indices related to the safety of activities at sea (transport, fishing, aquaculture, renewable energies) as well as ‘ their environmental impact’ on biodiversity in terms of noise pollution. Quiet-Oceans has contributed to noise modeling, by computing, thanks to Quonops, an estimate of spatio-temporal distribution of anthropic noise levels.
    Labège, France, 15th November 2019

    QOS: the first global Online Prediction System for Ocean Noise awarded
    Quiet-Oceans is proud to have been awarded at the the Ocean Innovation Award from ADECAN, in partnership with Institut océanographique, Fondation Albert Ier, Prince de Monaco, Energy of the sea and Cluster Maritime Français for the developpement of Quonops Online Services, the first Global Online Prediction System for Ocean Noise.
    Quonops Online Services is generated using E.U Copernicus Marine service information.
    Paris, France, 20th September 2018

    Launch of « QUONOPS Online Services »
    Quiet-Oceans is proud to announce the launch of Quonops© Online Services, the most advanced web-based underwater noise global mapping application.
    Quonops Online Services has been designed for non-expert users to help governmental agencies and the maritime industry to fulfill the requirements of the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive and prevent the effect of anthropogenic noise towards the marine biodiversity.
    See video on « Quonops© Online Services »
    Brest, France, 1st September 2018

    Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences: Invitation to a talk
    Quiet-Oceans was invited to give a talk at the prestigious Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences,
    Cambridge, UK, 5th October 2017

    COPERNICUS: Marine Week – Quonops(c) presentation
    Quiet-Oceans present Quonops(c) at the Copernicus Marine Week in Brussel. The 5-Day Copernicus Marine Week has includes a dynamic roster of speakers representing the wide-ranging community that the Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service (CMEMS) touches, including: members of the Copernicus EU Earth Observation and Monitoring Programme ecosystem, the European Commission, CMEMS researchers & experts, and members of the blue economy.
    Brussel, Belgium, 25 – 29 September 2017

    Mercator Ocean and Quiet-Oceans have initiated a partnership to provide an operational service of underwater noise mapping to adress the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive under the umbrella of the Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service. The partnership will enhance the CMEMS services as provider of oceanographic needed to provide an operational noise mapping service. The partnership will focus on demonstrations of coastal and operational noise mapping and analysis to fullfil descriptor 11.1.2 of the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive. Contact us to know more.

    TSG Noise: News
    Quiet-Oceans’ is proud to announce the release of the communication report produced in the framework of the Technical Group Noise of the European Commission entitled « Management and monitoring of underwater noise in European Seas- Overview of main European-funded projects and other relevant initiatives. MSFD Common Implementation Strategy »

    Smart-PAM: Real-Time Passive Acoustic Monitoring System
    Quiet-Oceans received from Ségolène Royal, the French Ministry of the ENvironment, Energy and Oceans, the prize for the Smart-PAM project. The event was held at the Maison de la Chimie in Paris on 28 September 2016, in the presence of Louis Schweitzer, Commissioner-General for Investment, and Bruno Lechevin, President of the Environment and Control Agency for Energy.
    Smart-PAM aims to industrialize a dedicated « smart and communicating » real-time buoy allowing to monitor in a dual way the marine environment and the pressures that it undergoes. The real-time services provided by the buoy will make it possible to exploit the diversity of underwater noise as indicators of the health of the ecosystem, to provide indicators of anthropogenic pressure related to the noise of maritime activities, and to provide to stakeholders with an operational interface for management and decision support.
    This innovative system, developed in partnership with the company Sonsetc, spin-off of the Laboratory of Bioacoustic Applications of the Polytechnic University of Barcelona (Spain) and the Agency of Marine Protected Areas (France), will contribute to the good state of the marine ecosystems.
    Feel free to contact us for more information.

    Racket In The Oceans
    Quiet-Oceans will present the outcome of the BIAS project, in partnership with FOI and Aquabiota, during the Internal Conference on Underwater Noise « Racket in the Oceans » in Paris. This conference is organised by the Observatory for Responsible Innovation, an independent international think tank, created with the purpose of thinking and debating new measures, concepts and methods to foster responsibility in innovation.
    Follow the discussion on Twitter: #RacketInTheOceans!
    Paris, France, 20th September 2016

    Quiet-Oceans rated as company high quality of innovation by independent consultants CheckInnov

    Poursuing excellence, Quiet-Oceans turned to CCI Innovation to conduct an audit of its abality to manage and deliver innovation.The approach « CheckInnov », funded by the European program Horizon 2020 and conducted in accordance with European standard « CEN TS 16555-1 – Management System of Innovation », has highlighted a successful organization to the strategy, practice of open innovation, and with the culture of information sharing.

    Effect of Noise on Aquatic Life conference
    Quiet-Oceans will present results from four projects during the 4th international conference on the Effect of Noise on Aquatic Life conference.
    More at
    Dublin, Ireland, 11th-15th July 2016

    BIAS Project
    Baltic sea Information Acoustic Soundscape (BIAS) end of project workshop will be held in Gottenburg (Sweden) the 1-2 June 2016. Quiet-Oceans, as part of the BIAS consortium, is delighted to present the outcome of BIAS, including the soundscape maps. A demonstration of the GIS-based planning tool will be organized.

    MARVEN Project
    Quiet-Oceans has contributed to a major study on ocean noise for the European Commission as part of an international effort, enhancing its leading position.
    The EC has just published the final report of the MaRVEN study on the environmental effects of noise, vibrations and electromagnetic emissions from Marine Renewable Energy. In particular, MaRVEN provides an in-depth analysis of studies on the environmental effects of noise during installation and operation of wind, wave and tidal energy devices. Quiet-Oceans has provided comprehensice noise modeling for the study and contributed to field measurement.

    AQUO Project
    Quiet-Oceans is co-authoring with Bureau Veritas a talk at the World Ocean Council Sustainable Ocean Summit.entitled: « AQUO project: Assessing the impact on marine fauna from shipping noise » in session « Marine Ecosystems, Biodiversity, and the Blue Economy – Challenges and Solutions at all Scales »
    Singapore, 9-11 November 2015

    Quiet-Oceans is proud to announce the issue of the « Guide to the environmental impact evaluation of tidal stream technologies at sea : GHYDRO »
    Quiet-oceans has taken the lead of the noise section. The main objective of this guide is to promote the environmental integration of a new type of construction at sea, for which there is very little feedback about the potential ecological impacts.

    The European Commission has selected Quiet-Oceans as part of a european consortium led by DHI to conduct a study on the environmental impacts of noise, vibrations and electromagnetic emissions from marine renewables
    This study will address the information gap by means of a large scale investigation including the environmental impacts of noise, vibrations and electromagnetic emissions covering the entire lifespan of marine renewable energy devices and adress the analysis of the norms and standards related to noise, vibrations and electromagnetic emissions from marine renewable energy systems.

    Offshore Wind 2015 Exhibition
    Quiet-Oceans at Offshore Wind 2015 Exhibition, the world’s largest offshore wind energy conference and exhibition.
    Visit us at Hall A – E22.
    Bella Center, Copenhagen, Denmark, 10 – 12 March

    OCEANOISE2015 Conference
    Thomas Folegot (Quiet-Oceans CEO) has been appointed as member of the science committee of the major upcoming international scientific conference OCEANOISE2015.
    OCEANOISE2015 will bring together international leading experts in noise measurement, modeling and mapping, physiological and behavioural effects as well as regulation and mitigation procedures. OCEANOISE2015 format aims at favouring a dynamic exchange of the latest findings in the field of ocean noise in order to assist in providing ocean users with the best scientific knowledge and technical solutions to address operational and environmental issues.
    Barcelona, Spain, 11-15 May 2015

    Sea Tech Week – Brest 2014
    International Marine Science and Technology Week
    Brest, France – 13-17 october 2014

    UA2014 Conference
    2nd international conference and exhibition on Underwater Acoustic (UA2014) – Invited presentation
    Rhodes, Greece, 22-27 June 2014

    European Commission – Reports of the Technical SubGroup on Underwater Noise (TSG noise)
    Quiet-Oceans as an active contributor of the Technical Subgroup on Underwater Noise (TSG noise) appointed by the European Commission, is proud to announce the publication of a series of reports entitled “Monitoring Guidance for Underwater Noise in European Seas.” It was compiled to provide guidance for member states on meeting the requirements of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) with regards to underwater noise (Descriptor 11).
    The reports include:
    Part I: Executive Summary (EUR 26557 EN)
    Part II: Monitoring Guidance Specifications(EUR 26555 EN)
    Part III: Background Information and Annexes (EUR 26556 EN)
    Feel free to contact us to discuss the implications of this guidance or scope an underwater noise monitoring project.

    Chorus Chair – INP Grenoble Workshop
    Quiet-Oceans presents its research works on « Achieve QUieter Oceans by shipping noise footprint reduction » (AQUO project )
    Grenoble, France, 19 june 2014

    BIAS Project
    Quiet-Oceans has participated to the progress meeting of the BIAS project held.
    BIAS (Baltic sea Information on Acoustic Soundscape) is a LIFE+ project with the ultimate goal to secure that the introduction of underwater noise is at levels that do not adversely affect the marine environment of the Baltic Sea. BIAS will work towards this goal by bridging the gap between the indicators of Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) descriptor 11 and actual management of human-induced underwater noise.
    For the BIAS project, Quiet-Oceans provides recommendations on measurement strategy, standards, and has the responsibility to provide the statistical soundscapes of the entire Baltic.
    Kerteminde, Denmark, 6-8 May 2014

    Thetis EMR 2014
    Quiet-Oceans participate to THETIS MRE exhibition
    Cherbourg, France, 9-10 april 2014.

    Workshop on Underwater Noise and its Impacts on Marine and Coastal Biodiversity
    Selection of Dr T.Folegot as independent expert by the Convention on Biological Diversity of United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
    London, UK, 24-27 February 2014

    Video presentation of Quiet-Oceans
    Minute of the innovation | CoProduced by Technopole Brest Iroise & Tebeo

    SUCCES day – Scientific meeting on supercomputing, the cloud and data storing
    Paris, France, 13-14 November 2013

    StukPlusConference organized by BSH
    Berlin, Germany, 30-31 October 2013,

    Marine Renewable Energy Symposium organized by SFH
    Brest, France, 9-10 October 2013

    Reducing the noise footprint of maritime traffic in Europe
    AQUO, European joint research project

    Research on ecosystem monitoring
    Quiet-Oceans participates with a chair of research on ecosystem monitoring

    Effect of Noise on Aquatic Life International Conference in Europe
    Budapest, HU, 11-16 August 2013,
    Quiet-Oceans presented a paper entitled « Seismic survey footprints in Irish waters: a starting point for effective mitigation »

    German newspaper article
    German newspaper article in the Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung about Quiet-Oceans activities and expertise.

    European Conference on Underwater Acoustics
    Corfu, Greece, 24-28 june 2013,
    2 invited papers

    Ship Noise & Vibration Conference
    London, UK, 19-20 june 2013,
    Invited presentation

    Thetis EMR 2013
    Read our press release or visit our stand B11
    Brest, France, 10 and 11 april 2013.

    10 th conference on Wave & Tidal energy : Quiet-Oceans presented his research works
    London, UK -27–28 February 2013,

    Technical Subgroup on Underwater Noise, European Commission
    Helsinki, Finland – 12th and 13th february 2013

    CAPARMOR, Journée de rencontre des utilisateurs du Pôle de Calcul Intensif pour la Mer
    Quiet-Oceans presents its research works on the underwater acoustic modeling. Technopôle Brest-Iroise, 1th february 2013

    Stand Pôle Mer Bretagne
    Paris, France – 6th february 2013

    In the press, L’Usine Nouvelle
    « Quiet-Oceans preserve le monde du silence »

    The effect of noise on aquatic life
    Read the article : « Ship Traffic Noise Distribution in the Strait of Gibraltar » in « The Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life », Series: Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, Vol. 730, Popper and Hawkins (Eds.), 2012, pp 601-604.

    Seminary Réseau National des Echouages
    Le Havre, France – 28th october 2012

    Sea Tech Week – Brest 2012
    International Marine Science and Technology Week
    Brest, France – 8-12 october 2012

    Euronaval – Paris 2012
    23rd International Naval Defence & Maritime Exhibition & Conference
    Paris, France – 22-26 october 2012

    Technical Subgroup on Underwater Noise, European Commission
    Dublin, Ireland – 3rd and 4th october 2012

    Marine Energy and You ?
    Quiet-Oceans will attend this first conference on the Marine Energy and the social acceptability
    Caen, France – 20 june 2012

    Acoustics 2012 – Nantes
    11th French Acoustic Convention and 2012 Annual IOA Meeting
    Nantes, France – 23-27 April 2012

    Oceanology – London 2012
    Oceanology International conference and exhibition for ocean science and marine technology 2012
    London, UK – 13-15 March 2012.